Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Did I mention that Jacob turned 3?!? What! Yes I know I have a 3 year old, it's a little hard to believe. Anyways.......We, as in I decided that we would not be doing a birthday party this year. No fun right? wrong! It was the best idea ever and I think I might not ever be throwing another "birthday party" haha...I decided we would just invite a ton kids (pretty much his nursery friends) to come and have a play date at the park. And Jacob brought snack and drinks to share. Jacob had so much fun, and it was so nice to just sit and talk and let the kids play. And I was so busy talking I only got one picture....

Jacob was so excited to pass out the snack/lunch bags to his friends, he talked about for days...The bags included (b/c i know your all gonna want to copy this idea), a kid friendly water bottle, pb&j sandwich, a twix, fruit roll up, pretzels, and a slinky...and I did 15 bags for under 15 dollars....
I'm a bad mom, I didn't even make him a cake...but we did put candles in his birthday breakfast...

Things off the top of my head that Jacob loves-
xbox-any game that's "Lego," we did get him Lego Star Wars for his birthday
the park
running, I swear this kid can run forever
chocolate milk, chicken nuggets, powdered donuts, hot dogs, pizza and spaghetti
Mommy and Daddy
watching movies
The movie Cars
playing xbox with daddy
being silly

We love Jacob so much and are so blesses to have him in our family. I'm amazed at how fast he and his vocabulary is growing.I can't wait to see what his next year as in store for him.

Happy Birthday Jacob!


Rachael and Jeff Downs said...

It's crazy how fast he's growing...and Lilly will be one in a few months!!! Better start the baby-making machine up again to pop out another one, haha ;)

Rhonda said...

until I blew up the photo I thought Jacob was having Nachos w/tomatoes on top for breakfast....I was thinking "Thats MY kind of Breakfast !!!"