Monday, January 24, 2011

Lilly's room part 2...

Lilly is officially out of our room {not gonna lie, i missed seeing her silly face this morning when i woke up} It's probably a good thing, for me, I feel much more rested today. She has been waking me up throughout the night for the past year...yes year, even in the womb I would wake up with every toss and turn she would make....Anyways I think she loves it. I do. Her face did light up a little bit when she saw her toys, {finally not in my closet anymore} we did end up painting stripes on the closet wall {well matt did the painting, i did the touch up}, and Matt did such an awesome job, aaannndd he framed the window {so proud of him} .....

There's still lots to do in terms of decorations, I'm thinking a trip to Hobby Lobby is in order...but the hardest part is done.


Cicily said...

So cute Shannon.

Rachael and Jeff Downs said...

It looks GREAT!! Totally adorable.

Trisha said...

Looks great! Love the stripes

Rhonda said...

So So Cute. I cant wait to see it !!!

But wait....where am I going to sleep now ?