Friday, October 2, 2009

8 Weeks and October!

8 weeks! Oh my! And I can't believe it's October already! We have such a busy month planned, I have a feeling the rest of this year is going to fly by! And before I know it Jacob will be two! What I'll have a two year old?!? Am I really that old? All I can say is as much as my body seems to hate being pregnant I'm glad I'm getting it over with! I'm exhausted. I don't remeber being this tired last time, well I do remember spending almost two months on a air mattress watching Man vs Wild, now, that show makes me feel sick.....But anyways I think I'm extra tired now because I have a head cold, and the pounding headache keeping me up at night isn't helping. Sorry I don't mean to be such a baby..... On a positive note I'm so lucky to have an amazing husband! He's like superman, he goes to work all day, gets his church callings done, goes the extra mile when asked and still has time for us. Yesterday when he got home he took Jacob to the park and then took him to the gym with him. Our gym has a daycare, and we take Jacob whenever we can so he can get out and play with kids. It was so nice to just lay in bed and rest. So anyways I know most people don't read all this stuff so here's the pictures.....

So here I am at 8 weeks, sorry I didn't put any make-up on....scary I know...I guess some little girl on the swings asked Matt, "Is that a baby girl?" I guess it's time we cut his hair, so sad I like his messy curls.....
Jacob loves apples! It's so cute so watch him learn new things, he thinks he's such a big boy.


Bud & Kim said...

You are so cute!

Trisha said...

You look skinnier this picture than last! So exciting! So are you throwing up all the time yet??? Jacob's curls are too cute..... don't cut them!

The Lundell's said...

Oh my goodness Shannon I had no idea you were pregnant again. That is so great Congrats!! Man I need to get on the band wagon lol.P.S. Jack just turned 3 yesterday.